The Coffee Clinic, Kuching

Hey! I'm so sorry for not updating my blog for almost one month! My schedule was packed for the entire month. 

Last week, I had a date with my friends. We met up at The Coffee Clinic, opposite CityOne Megamall, Kuching. Yeah, you didn't read it wrongly. It's The Coffee Clinic. A Clinic filled with Coffee. Once I opened the entrance door, I smelted the coffee. Coffee beans. The aroma was so strong. I fell in love with it.

Image from Google Images

They serve coffee, fresh bread and cake, You can hear jass & classical music. They do provide free Wifi. 
The view from the top... The Coffee Clinic

I ordered Oreo Cheese and Ice Blended Chocolate. It tasted really good. I loved it. The price is reasonable.

Oreo Cheese RM 9.50

Iced Blended Chocolate RM 12.50

These are what my friends ordered.

Iced Mocha RM 11.90 + Oreo Cheese RM 9.50

Blackforest Crepe RM 10 + Green Tea Cheese RM 9.50 + 2 jars of tea RM 8 each

The Coffee Clinic

Address: GF, Sublot 16, Song Plaza, Off Jalan Tun Jugah / Jalan Song

                93200 Kuching, Malaysia

Bussiness Hour: Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 23:45

                            Sun: 13:00 - 23:45

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  1. Wow it looks nice and the price is reasonable.

  2. Oh my! I love what you ordered. Oreo and Choco are the best combo! Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ By any chance you are interested on doing collaborations, you can check out the collaborations portal of and connect with amazing brands!


    1. Hi Tiffany. Yea, they are the best combo. Thanks for sharing too!!


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